About://Internal Pages

Shows a menu with all internal pages. Ex: about:about, about:plugins...

Version 2.0.1 Jun 03, 2016
Download: Opera Browser/Chrome



New URIs: chrome:account-internals, 
chrome:settings/adblocker Opera/37.0.2163.0, 
chrome:settings/contentExceptions#detachedVideo Opera/37.0.2178.19
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Redirect Bypasser

Identifies redirected URLs and allows you to visit the target link directly, avoiding unwanted redirects...

Version 2.1.3 Jun. 03, 2016
Demo: Demo
Download: Opera Browser/Chrome - Firefox


Useful to avoid frame pages (e.g., Google images, Yahoo, Bing...) , ads, surveys, unwanted redirects...


* Extract links recursively (every URL found are added to a pop-up overlay while hovering the link to let the user choose the best option in a fast way).

* Decode obfuscated links as "reverse", base64 and hex. (tricks used by some sites to prevent direct access to the original web address).

* Extract web addresses within tag's attributes (e.g. onclick, onmouseover...), text contents and JavaScript: protocol (mostly used to open pop-ups or to show overlays).

* Extract web addresses from plug-ins (useful to open flash games, videos... in a new tab or to get URL of videos, musics...).

* Can handle dynamic content (links that move or hide...) very well.

* The icons are sorted by file extension and auto-set colors based on algorithm used, for the user identify them quickly. As an example, while browsing any site (e.g. Google images) the blue icon was the desired target, another link that show blue icon is likely to be the desired one too.

View demo




French translantion
Compatibility with WebExtensions (Gecko/47+)


Speed improvements
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